Zee…No! Zed…No! Zee

A to Z they ran the race

Hit the finish line

Exuberant, jubilant with a sense of

Achievement, they hugged one another

And grabbed the juice

Team effort paid off, they won the race

Parents happy, promised a movie and more candies

Community sports day ended on a high

When one youngster said, excuse me

And his team paused to look

Can we please say ‘Zee’ as in Zee TV

And stop splashing spittle saying Zed

But that’s how it’s said Zed, said his mate

Nope, its Zee, joined in another

My teacher said its Zed, pitched in another

The group split, juices down, candies forgotten

My teacher is right, no mine, no ours

They screamed

No candies, if you’ll fight, said parents

We don’t care

How dare he accuse our teacher!



My theme for A-Z Challenge 2015 is ‘Free Verse’

#AtoZChallenge @AprilA2Z


More here: Thoughts Uncensored… Your’s Truly!

7 responses

  1. Too funny! I wonder why they have different pronunciations for the same word! So which is it: Zed or Zee?! 😉


  2. Congrats on completing the challenge! 😀 Woohoo!!


  3. Always learned it as Zed but it doesn’t really matter does it? Congrats for finishing the challenge.


  4. ahh Zee and Zed. I used to say Zee for the US clients, but after relocating to Sydney I have to learn saying Z again. They give real weird looks if you say Zee 😛


  5. Ha ha! The never ending debate! 🙂
    Zee or Zed – that’s the last of the alphabet! 😀
    Congrats Nisha on completing the challenge. Your free verses were so awesome..Loved each one of them!


  6. Loved your verses in this challenge!! This one too! Yay we did it:-) congrats!!


  7. Hey thank you all… Congrats to all of you, too.


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